The piston (or plunger) is a metal organ with a truncated cone shape that has the task of performing several functions.Il pistone (o stantuffo) è un organo metallico di forma tronco-conica che possiede il compito di eseguire diverse funzioni. An engine piston transmits the force generated after combustion to the connecting rods. It serves, therefore, as the actual support for the path that follows the movement of the connecting rods inside the cylinders. As connecting rods are assembled to the crankshaft, they utilise the force generated by the pistons to generate the rotary motion of the crankshaft.
The connecting rod foot can be:
Connecting rods are completed through:
Connecting rod bushings that act as shims to prevent wear (friction material) and Bushings Screws/bolts that serve to join the ends of the connecting rod (stem and cap)
Screws / Bolts used to join connecting rod ends (stem and end cap)
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